The D Technique of Execution : The Proven Method of Turning Desire into Achievement. In today’s world where there is competition everywhere, setting a small goals and getting them completed on time is very important. The world is changing rapidly and we also need to change with them. Whether you are a student or a working professional, learning new things is very important. When you are a student learning is your first responsibility whereas when you are a working professional you have to manage your learning parallel with your work, whether it's related to your current work or switching to new work. So it’s very important to learn the technique to turn your desire into achievement. So let’s start with an example, ‘ABC’ is a working professional who is working in the same organization for so many years but not getting happiness of his work. he is working on autopilot mode means following the same rituals every day. whether he is good at his work, but suffering from a l...
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