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Showing posts from February, 2021

Introduction to effective conversation - 3

5 Skills for making conversation effective.  As we know the need for better communication is  much important for better networking in society. with this soul purpose, we have started this session regarding communication. 2 Parts are already covered and this is going to be the third one. So what next? Certain skills could make the conversation effective and these skills are very important to learn to make our conversation meaningful and effective.  5 Skills for making conversation effective.  1. Listening As we know communication is a two-way process so speaking as well as listening is also important. The art of listening is somehow more important than speaking. The quality of listening built trust in the conversation. When we listen carefully the next person believes that we have an positive interest in the conversation and then he can open up more in the conversation . Also, it becomes useful to us to analyse what to speak next. 2. Body Language This is ...

Introduction to Effective Conversation - 2

Introduction to effective conversation       (Part-2) 3 P of effective conversation   Effective communication is the only way to convey your message properly. It is very important to convey your message to the next person in the correct form. so while doing this, even small things can play a vital role in communication. Not only words can make an effective conversation but our style of speaking, the posture of the body have also play an important role. We will take this topic in the next part.  One person in the whole day is going through different situations. Whether he is a student, employee or businessmen the situations are different for different peoples.  So does it possible to follow the same pattern of communication in all situation?  Absolutely 'No' So we have to understand the 3P of effective conversation. This 3P will help you to make your conversation meaningful.  So let's start 1. Place The first P of effective convers...

Introduction To Effective Conversation

Introduction to Effective Conversation                             The importance of communication is very high as human is a social individual. Communication is a very important tool to express ourself. Communication is a key factor for better networking in society. In every walk of life communication plays a vital role, Whether it is doing startup, job, education, business or meeting with new people in our day to day life. So effective communication is prerequisite to make network with peoples. We cannot established a better communication  without effective conversation so effective conversation is key element of communication.  Why we have to make effective conversation. As we know growth is the most important requirement for everyone in todays time. And we can make better growth strategies if we surround ourselves with great peoples. So communication is the better strategy to get great people in our...