Introduction to effective conversation
3 P of effective conversation
Effective communication is the only way to convey your message properly. It is very important to convey your message to the next person in the correct form. so while doing this, even small things can play a vital role in communication. Not only words can make an effective conversation but our style of speaking, the posture of the body have also play an important role. We will take this topic in the next part.
One person in the whole day is going through different situations. Whether he is a student, employee or businessmen the situations are different for different peoples.
So does it possible to follow the same pattern of communication in all situation?
Absolutely 'No'
So we have to understand the 3P of effective conversation. This 3P will help you to make your conversation meaningful.
So let's start
1. Place
The first P of effective conversation is the place where we are present. Place plays a very big role in communication. We cannot use the same pattern of communication while speaking in office as we used at our home. So the most important is analyse the place then plan your conversation according to this.
2. Person
The second P is about the person to whom you are Talking. You have to manage your conversation according to the next person. Because this is also the most important activity we have to perform while speaking. You have to analyse who actually the person is? so that you can manage your words
. If you are talking with your parents in free time is different from talking with your friend in free time. If you want to quit a job for a startup then you have to use conversation to convince your wife that you can better perform in a startup than a job. Your role is different in front of all three persons, in front of parents you are son, in front of friend you are a friend and you are husband in front of wife. So conversation changes according to the persons in our life. What is most important is we have to understand the person who stands in front of us.
Another example we can take, we have to think about the situation of that person. Sometimes we are too happy because of some achievement and we run to our friend and express our happiness but at the same time if he is suffering from any pain then it's hard for him to celebrate with us, so the important factor is we have to analyse the situation of that person. This is also the key elements of effective conversation.
3. Position
This is the last P of effective conversation. Our position in the conversation is also very important. In every phase of our life, we are playing a certain role. Whether we are student, teacher, startup founder, etc we have our different positions. And the most important is, we have to manage our conversation according to our position. When we go to our parents to get permission about something is different from going to the boss for asking him to leave. Our position is different in both cases. In our day to day life, one person plays different roles like the role of son, daughter, parents, roles at work, etc so its also necessary to have different conversation strategy for a different position.
As peoples update their resume according_to the vacant position we have to mould our conversation according_to the position or role we are playing.
"So the key strategy for effective conversation is, understand the place where you are standing, the person whom with you are talking and the position or role you are playing. If we started our conversation according to this strategy, our conversation will be very meaningful."
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