"Power of Beliefs"
Change Your Beliefs,
So you will change your Future.
Set of Beliefs - "Set of beliefs is a group or collection of beliefs on which total external and internal behavior of a person depends. The internal behavior includes our thinking. The human beliefs is the platform on which the person act. positive beliefs are very important for our success. Human Beliefs are related to our sub-conscious mind. If we continuously think about something then this thing fits in our sub-conscious mind. for example, If we continuously think, we are clever then this thought fit in our sub- conscious mind then we behave like a clever. This is best example of our beliefs.
Limiting beliefs - "Limiting beliefs are the beliefs which restrict our Ability. Due to limiting beliefs there was a limit set on our strength. Limiting beliefs are the main obstacle in path for success. so its necessary to remove our limiting beliefs. Example which explain this concepts is, If our body have the capacity to run 500 m but if we think 500 m is impossible for us then it became impossible to run 500 m. In this case we set limit to our strength and this happen due to limiting beliefs. So keep our beliefs according to our strength".
The People who become successful are the ones who thinked they can.
Believe in ourself is the ultimate thought for success. Our progress depend upon our belief system. The art of believing is the art of believe in ourself. If we think, 'we can do it' then no one can stop us, to do that , its the power of belief.
So many people have the goals in life like to get rich , to become successful , etc but how many from this become a successful ? Not so many become a successful but those who grab this success have the strong belief pattern. Because most of the people start a journey towards the goal but due to lack of self confidence or weak belief pattern they think they cannot do this and they leave the journey , and fail to get success. So it is necessary to think "I can do it" then it become easy to do. Motivation is an another part which play an important role in our journey towards the goal. It also necessary to stay motivated in order to achieve goals.
Motivation is of two type external motivation and internal motivation. By watching motivational videos , thoughts , speeches, etc we got external motivation but with this external motivation its necessary to have internal motivation for any task or work. Our internal motivation have more impact than external motivation. Our internal motivation is again related to our belief system because when we have confidence or positive belief about our task then we got internal motivation to do this task. The word ' work or task ' which is used here is different for different person and situation. for example, The student have the basic task to study well. If the student have the strong positive belief for his studies then it is easy to get success in his studies.
As you think , So you become
Our 'beliefs' are beneficial as well as harmful things. If we think we are strong then we became strong and if we think we are weak then none other than we became weak. So its necessary to think positive. Positive beliefs leads you towards success but at the same time if you grow negative beliefs then negative beliefs have the power to push you in failure. so its necessary to grow only positive beliefs. Work Efficiency is an another term which is very important. If you do lot of hardwork but cannot get proper results for your work. then its also an fact which is indirectly connected to our belief system. At the time of execution of your work if we have negative beliefs about our work then it could be possible to get lower results for our work. So again its necessary to have positive beliefs about our work.
Coordination between our strength and beliefs is equal to Success.
"Coordination between our strength (Ability) and Beliefs is very important to achieve success."
1) I am very strong
2) I am very confident
3) What did in my life was best
4) I am very happy
5) in future, There will be a great success in front of me.
6) Today is a great day.
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