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What is Anxiety , Causes of Anxiety

What is Anxiety and Causes of Anxiety

Anxiety is not a disease  but Everyone fill anxiety in some degree in their daily life. Anxiety is a state which affects  mental as wel as physical development of a person. Anxiety is feeling of fear about future. worry is also an form of anxiety. worry about anything in some percentage is good but if this worry increase above limits then it became problem. Unwanted worry about anything which will happen in future or which does not happen leads the person towards anxiety. so fear and worry are the two main forms of anxiety.

What is Anxiety ?   

Anxiety is a feeling of worry about future. The fear about something is good in some percentage but, if this fear increase then its leads you towards anxiety disorder. the feeling of insecurity is also a form of fear. The person who is anxious, feel so much depression and feeling insecure every time. Anxiety affects the day to day life of person , so it is necessary to understand about,
1]what is Anxiety 
2]Causes of anxiety 
3] Effects of anxiety and 
4]How to overcome Anxiety...

Causes Of Anxiety

There are two important causes of anxiety external causes and internal causes. The external causes include environmental condition, external situations,etc The internal causes includes the factors related to humans internal behavior like nature of a person,etc There following are four internal causes of anxiety. 

1] Overthinking Nature of a person

There are thousands of thoughts are came in our mind in one day. most of them are negative. The person who always swim in the ocean of thinking , have more chances to be suffered from anxiety. Thinking is very necessary but every thing which is more than limit is harmful so sometime overthinking became a cause for Anxiety.

2] Lack of self confidence

Confidence play vital role in our development may be  its physical , mental or economical. So confidence is very necessary in life. Confidence is very important in our decision making process. without confidence its impossible to execute our decision. The feeling of insecurity is also a symptom of anxiety and this insecurity can be easily reduce by our confidence. If person loose his confidence due to failure or any other reason then feeling of insecurity increase in his mind and there are increases the chances of person to suffered from anxiety. So keep confidence level high.

3] Stress in life

stress in our daily life is also became a reason for anxiety. stress at work, stress at home and there are also so many sources of stress. stress reduce our confidence and increase nervousness in life. so its necessary to live life stress free. 

4] Physical health of person

Physical health also play very crucial role in our life. If a person suffered from any disease then it will be possible that this person suffered from anxiety. long term diseases make impacts on our mental health. so this is an also cause of anxiety.


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