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How to achieve goals in life

How to achieve goal

Everybody want something in life. We can called it as a goal. Everybody have some goal in their life. So what is a goal, Everything which we want in our life is a goal. We already discussed about goal and why goal setting is necessary in life. Goal give us direction, motivation, vision and goal setting is also necessary for maximum utilization of our ability. All this things we already covered in previous two posts. So this is our third blogpost from ‘Pattern of Splitting Goal or Splitting goal pattern’. Pattern of splitting goal or Splitting goal pattern is the process of dividing your goal into small task in order to easily achieve them. To know more about this, please read previous post. So this blogpost is very important, In this post we have to take Some steps which are important to achieve every goal in life. So lets start,

Following are the 7 steps which are necessary to achieve every goal in life.

1] Set Proper Goal

This is the first step in process of completion of goal. So first is, Set proper goal. Proper means according to your passion, Strength, etc. This is very first step, because this step gives you a vision about goal and there is no need to say about vision. Vision is very necessary to make a plan about future in order to achieve our goal. We know motivation play very important role. So when you set goal, this goal also give you a motivation. So first set proper Goal…..

2] Understand your ‘why’

The purpose behind everything which we doing is very important to know. So understand the purpose behind setting this goal. The subheading looks like strange but its necessary to know why we set only this goal. So this is second step to ask yourself why we select or set this goal. This goal gives us a purpose to do hard work to achieve goal. Goal give us motivation, vision, etc but its very hard to complete goal with the lack of knowledge about purpose of goal.

3] Create plan for your goal

After setting goal its necessary to make plan about goal. Plan is very necessary to know how to actually work to complete our goal. This is our third step but this is important in all steps. So make proper plan about how to achieve goal. There is not any ideal way to make plan, its depends on goal and the person who set this goal, so make your plan according to yourself.

4] Split your goal into small tasks

After setting goal and making plan about goal it’s time for the execution of a plan. Goal is not achieved in a single step. So its necessary to divide our goal into small tasks. I already published another post about ‘splitting goal pattern’. There is one importance of ‘Splitting goal pattern’. When we divide our goal into tasks it became easy to work on these tasks and when we complete any single task our confidence level was increased with every task.

5] Start working on small tasks

So after setting goal, making plan, splitting goal into small tasks its time to work on these small tasks. So this is our fifth step in achieving goal. So start working on these small tasks. These tasks will become very helpful to measure or rate our success. Confidence is also increase with the completion of every task.

6] Measure Progress

This step is very useful in order to collect our own feedback. Feedback teach you so many things because it generate from our own experiments. So measure your success at the end of every small tasks. These step give you a knowledge about improvement which are necessary while working on our tasks. This step give you result about, how we working, according to plan or not.

7]  completion of Goal

This is not a step but it’s the final stage in our journey. Collects the results of your all small tasks, repair any results if necessary then define final goal or Complete your final task and then whole goal.

These are the 7 steps which play very important role in achieving any goal in life. So set goal according to your passion or anything and follow these steps to complete your goal. Because everyone deserve the Success…. 


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