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Flexibility and Success


‘Continuous Hard work is a journey and success is Destination’. We know about journey, it involves so many paths, so many small destinations, etc but the important is, one thing which is same in all journeys is the path is not identical in all over the journey. It consist of so many ups and down and  so many obstacles. So, is it possible to complete the journey with same approach ? . Answer is no means it’s necessary to change yourself according to path, it’s necessary to gain more knowledge about path, when you continuously moving forward. So again We can say, we started the session with name ‘Qualities For Success’ And we already covered Six qualities from this session and this is going to be our 7th quality. The name of this quality is ‘Flexibility Pattern’. Its look like Strange according to title because mainly flexibility is a property of any material but in this part we will explain how flexibility and success are interrelated or how being flexible is necessary to become Successful. So let’s start…

What is Flexibility Pattern

Flexibility pattern is a appropriate behavior of a person according to situation in order to achieve success. We took this topic to show how being flexible is necessary for success. We already conclude that flexibility is a property of material but the impotence is , the flexible material bend or change their appearance according to state in which it present. So it’s necessary to understand how this property is necessary for human to achieve success.

Benefits of  Flexibility For getting Success

1.Reduce time For Success

Flexibility is necessary to reduce time for success. We already say, Success is journey so the important target is to reduce the time of journey. When we done all tasks according to same approach then there will be chances of getting failures in some tasks because all tasks are not same So it’s necessary to use your approach according to task. If you succeed to be flexible according to task then indirectly you reduce your time for getting success.

2.Increase Accuracy

We know the importance of accuracy in results of any tasks. So being flexible according to tasks is also helpful to increase accuracy of any task. When we start any tasks, and when we were flexible, then we were ready to get important knowledge according to tasks, it increases the accuracy of task.

How Flexibility or being Flexible is Crucial for Success

Our life consist of so many ups and down. Similarly our journey for success is also consist of so many ups and down. This journey consist of so many small success and failures. Every steps in this journey required different you. So it’s necessary to act according to tasks or situations if you want to successfully move forward. So flexibility is necessary to act according to Situations. we already explain about goal means ‘Splitting Goal Pattern’ and how it’s necessary to split your goal into small tasks. Because it’s helpful to get motivation with the completion of every task. But it’s ideal condition means For completion of every small task its required different approach, different hard work and the main different knowledge. So it’s necessary to be flexible in order to complete this tasks. If you succeed to be flexible according to tasks then it could be easy to complete your goal. There is also possibility to get failure in some tasks so at that time don’t be frustrate, be flexible, get more knowledge about this task do again and complete this task. Because every new task required new knowledge according to task so it’s necessary to be flexible for getting new knowledge for the completion of this tasks. We already posted a blogpost with name ‘Identical Behavioral Pattern’ which is best to know more about, how to maintain similar mental balance in all situations or how to be same in all situations. We explain this topic related to getting success not really applicable in life. Flexibility is like a ignored quality but very necessary to reduce the time of your success. So try to be flexible in order to get success in life because,
 ‘Everyone Deserve Success’



  1. Nice thoughts....yeah we need to reduce time and increase acuuracy

    1. Yes its very necessary to reduce time but with reducing time its also necessary to have maximum accuracy in our work.


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