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Why Consistency is Importent or Pattern of Consistency

Pattern of Consistency

There are so many forms of success, everyone has different definition of success. And the most important is everyone wants something we may call it success. So there are so many types of hardwork are needed in order to achieve success. Wanting Something without hardwork is a nightmare So hardwork is crucial one.  So in this part we have to discussed about the most important key factor which is very crucial to gain success in any type of field. This is a very important quality which became responsible for failure of so many peoples. So what was that, Guess…… and the Quality is ‘Consistency’. You think it’s a simple and well known quality but in this post we will discussed about, how Consistency is Necessary for Achievement or Being consistent is the rule of success. So I again tell you, we already started a session with name ‘Qualities For Success’ and we already covered 8 qualities from this session and this is going to be our 9th Quality as ‘Pattern of Consistency’. In this blogpost we will discussed about how being consistent in your work leads you towards the Perfection.

Why being consistent is necessary in life to Achieve success….

Speed of thoughts running throughout our mind is extra Rapid. Approximately more than 50,000 thoughts are running through our mind in one day and Most of them are negative ones. So its very crucial task to set a Goal and stick to it until you Achieve your goal. There are so many qualities are required to achieve a target that you set but this is also very important quality to achieve your goal.
                           The most Crucial part of Achieving goal is the time from Setting goal to the time of Achievement. Same passion required during this period in order to achieve your target in a definite period. If you does not going consistent on your path then it seems very tough to reach at the destination. Todays world is too fast, we have appropriate time to achieve any type of goal, so much hardworks are needed to achieve something. So the most Important is, Being consistent is very necessary to achieve success in a appropriate time. Another Importance of being consistent is, its helpful to built trust on ourself. The Feeling of “I Can” is built in our mind.

How to Be Consistent……

Following are the two way which are very helpful to stick on your path

           1) Identification of Purpose

Before setting goal its very necessary to understand why we want this. If this question is  totally resolved in your mind then it become very helpful to be consistent on the journey towards your destiny. So your “why” about your target is very beneficial to be on track of your goal.

             2)Inner Motivation

I already write about External and inner motivation in a previous posts. Inner motivation is related to our inner extreme Desire regarding our target. If you have dream to be a Writer and  If you have good writing skills but instead of that one thing which is very important is “The desire to write”. Your inner motivation is able to give you a desire to write as well as anything you wanted to do or dreamed to Achieved  . As discussed earlier Consistency is very necessary as well as its very essential to built our own trust on ourself. If we succeed to built a trust on ourself then it become very easy to Walk on the track of Achievement.


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