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How to deal with uncertainty and importance of hope in life

Can you see those images ?

can you imagine whats the motive of putting those picture here ?

It looks like simple play between cloud and the sun. But the most important is to see the difference between both images. In first image the Sun is covered with cloud and in second image the sun is going to leave the cover of cloud . This example is look like a kid story but in our life its also importent to understand that nothing is permanent in life, so being hopeful is the bright way to achieve something better in life.

If you are suffering from pain this will change, if you are going through struggle  then this will also change because 'change is inevitable' 

The reason behind telling this story is the one word,  which is the topic of this post and this is Hope...


While travelling on the road towards  destination or success the road contains various struggles and in this scenario  one word does not leave us alone which is uncertainty. The way is filled  with various ups and downs whereas it also become challenging to stay motivated on whole journey because human mind have thousand of thoughts in one day, and most of them are negative , at this time one word give us strength and that is ' hope'. Hope is the condition when you consider future to be good from present. So when you got temporary failure, at the same time loose the frequency of motivation and level of uncertainty increases and at this time. hope is the only way to stay optimistic about future. There are thousands of thoughts run through human mind in one day and mainly most of them are negative so it became necessary to stay positive in that situation and again to hope for better became vital way to stay positive and Motivated. Post regarding Motivation is already published on this site.

So, does uncertainty ruin our journey of  Success ?

Uncertainty is not phenomenon which is considered as big enough but uncertainty can impose a adverse effect on Decision making, and as we know decision making is one of the important tool in life. So it became vital to deal with uncertainty, so lets start to explore!!!
How to deal with uncertainty ....

1.Focus on long term goal

Most of the time it happens with everyone that people loose their hope due to certain consequences and as the hope reduced, uncertainty increase regarding our destination or what we called as  our goal or target. At this time it should be necessary to focus on our long term goal. May be certain type of temporary failure in presence make you, loose your hope but if you have vision to see long term goal then it overcome the impact happens due to temporary failure and us to deal with uncertainty.

2.Find new approach if necessary without changing final goal

In some cases when failure hit us, we understand the way, which we have selected for this work, is not as good as we understand earlier so at this stage we can change the way of our journey towards destination without changing our final goal. As we have discuss about uncertainty, most of the time certain amount of temporary failure have the ability to make us uncertain and most of the time the way which we selected would  became the reasons of this failure. So at this time we can approach a superior way, different  from earlier one to reach at the destination without losing the sight for final destination.

3.Ask yourself why you started

Its familiar that, Purpose is very important while performing any action. So this approach is also helpful to deal with uncertainty.  This is the third step to deal with uncertainty. When level of uncertainty is much higher and we just reach at the point of quit then at this time its the only question, that help us to resolve this uncertainty. Which is "why we started ?" If we can find a rigid answer for this question then it can also became easy to deal with uncertainty. 
As discussed, uncertainty means being uncertain about something. So lets start to deal with uncertainty and become hopeful for better future.

Thank You


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