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3 Traits that predicts great success in every type of work

3 Traits that predicts great success in every type of work.

We are now living in competitive world. Where everyone wants something in his life we can called it as their short term or long term goal and some sort of work is absolutely required to achieve that goal. So as to work is crucial part,  how you do your work is also an important aspect. As your work could make you successful, your success is also depends on how well you perform. So if you want to achieve something great you should be best in your work. There are various types of activities, peoples are doing, like jobs in various sectors or working for their own but what matters more is your work should be best at every level to get great success in that field. So Following  are the 3 aspects which play significant role in making our work  great…

1)    Purpose
This is what we called the most  important factor for everyone who is working on something in life. If you know your purpose while working on something then there is no need for external motivation. Your purpose would become your source of motivation. If you are working on something but without any information or without knowing your purpose then it become hard to get success in that work or eventually end up with than you deserved. So first know your ‘why’ then start working is the better way to get success. Its better to make habbit to ask ourself every time about why I am doing this, this will really help you, to easily reach to your goal. 

Look out this quote by Maharshi Patanjali, which shows the importance of purpose in life,

"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations; your consciousness expands in every direction; and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be"  

2)    Dedication
This is second and most important factor for defining the quality of work. As we know from earlier, distraction kills clarity in work so simply not good for any type of work. The results of your work are totally depends upon your dedication in work. If you have distraction in your work then it not only become hard to complete the work but also influences the results of work. So dedication in your work is the most important for getting great sucess in any work. We know, thousands of running thoughts are going through our mind in whole day so in that case, it become hard to concentrate on work, but not impossible. So dedication is very important factor in work. 
                                                                                              There are various factor are responsible for great dedication in work. The cucial concept is, if you could not like your work then its also become hard to concentrate in that work. so first of all try to love that what you really do or do that what you really love because your passion regarding your work is the most important factor regarding dedication in your work. So being passionate for work is good for dedication in that work.

3)    Hardwork  
Hardwork is the third and most important factor to improve work. hardwork is the first key of Success. As various types of works peoples are doing so various types of hardwork  are needed, in order to get success in that work. There are mainly two types of work needed means Physical and Mental, depend on work. There is no proper definition of hardwork, but hardwork is everything that you honestly do to complete your work. so Hardwork is crucial requirement for success.
The above traits are interlink , means 
if you have strong purpose then you have been easily get motivation for hardwork after that you can absolutely go deep in your work means get dedicated to the work. 
we simply called it as P-D-H (Purpose-Dedication-Hardwork) Pyramid. 


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