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Difference between to know & to realize.

We frequently say that I know about it, so to know is the phenomenon of knowing things. Then comes our next part, to realize or to understand this. So can you understand the difference between both of this concepts ?

Everyone knows various things  but not everyone realize or understand various things . Lets start with the fluent example, most people know that a bus runs by an engine but how many of them really know how really the engine run the bus, the working of pistons, strokes, etc. This is kind of difference between to know and to realize. So This two are totally  different concepts.
                    Why is important to know the difference between both of this concepts and which is important for us to make a productive change life? so lets start, there is a difference between to say and to execute. So if u want to execute your ideas you should realize or deeply understand  the things regarding this idea. Again lets start with another example, if you have plan for startup and you read various startup stories from all over the world so there are again two different aspect emerges in that case so if you learn from this stories you can accomplish something great or if you just read to know you will never get, whats deep inside of this stories. So simply to realize is to understand deeply and it is very important to make a great change. 


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