Mind is a Forest. The word forest is looks different to explain mind. Isn't it ? but as forest is a combination of various trees, our mind is also contains various thoughts. So its very important to control our mind accumulating negative thoughts.
What actually the negative thought do with our life, impacts our action. The self-doubt is the well-known result of negativity. If we figure out our next step we have to put but at same time self-doubt came in action and we start start thinking about what will happen if I will fail, at this time we already loss our potential and we had eventually end with an average result. As we know the mind is reservoir of great potential and negative thoughts restricts these potential. Again how this thoughts reaches to our mind the very answer is our environment, the data we interact, the people we hang around and any material we processed which is not productive, influences our mind.
So its not only important but also crucial to put the virtual filter at the inlet our mind to prevent our mind from accumulating negative thoughts. We can easily achieve this state of mind with certain efforts like knowing the soul purpose of our life, meditation, etc
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