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Why You should Learn from Others Instead Of Coping Others.

Why you should learn from others instead of copy them…

In todays world where internet is at its peak people using internet for various of their purposes . People following great folks by the medium of social media. Means simply internet becomes the vital part of today world. So lets move to the soul part of our topic. How many of great people are in the world, in various field ? we can easily measure them on our finger-tip. And most important how they became great ? anyway this is none of our topic, their dedication, hardwork, potential, etc have made them great. So our main topic is 

why we should learn from other instead of coping others ?

Everyone has different life, different work and most important different potential. Though potential can be increased but our surrounding influences our potential. Great peoples have certain habits  which makes them great. So does it possible that this habits make everyone  great ? 

The answer lie in the above paragraph that everyone has different life. As everyone has different lives then its impossible to directly copy others for best results. So it should be better way to learn from others and then manage ourself with respect to our potential.

               Lets elaborate with fluent example, John and david are two friends, graduates from same institution and join same place for work. John had the goal  so he was focused in his life. He started working on his stuff with his job. David was somehow distracted, not having any goal nor having any purpose in life, less focus, just spending days at work. After couple of years, john leave the organisation and start a business, simply startup and grow well in couple of years. After that  david got inspired by his success and leave job and put a step for startup but in couple of years his startup end up with certain financial debt. 

There is no need to say about this example but we can conclude that david copy john instead_of learn from john. So he end up with worst result. 

so at the end its wise way to know our own potential and start designing our life with existing potential after that we can increase our potential by continual practice.


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