This was the incident from childhood. At his time, We used to play cricket upto late nights. The lights condition in the ground was normal at night time when we had been playing. One day when we were busy in our game, the lights was turn off due to any of the problen. So we stopped our play and started thinking about the solution. We managed one battery having capacity of one bulb only. Then put the whole light on batsman and try to start the game, after this whole scenerio the bowler was ready to put the first ball, he put his first ball and what happened next is, clean bold. The batsman got bold( the process of hitting stumps by the ball) , he was complained about not seeing the delivery( the single action of throwing a ball by a bowler)
Looks like a simple story, but the real fact was that, the bulb should be adjusted according_to the delivery, if the batsman had seen the delivery he could make some strategy according_to the delivery and he could not get bold. But bulb was placed according_to the batsman so he could not analyse the delivery which is came from low light area
Same Theory was applicable to our mind also, so many of this type of dark deliveries was came to our mind everyday. Thousands of thoughts was going through our mind and most of them was negative. Why this happens, we fail to recognise the thought and so that we failed to make the strategy against it. The simple logic of our mind is, what we think that we become, so its our responsibility to put control on every thought going through our mind. We can accomplished this by practice.
The another way is to make the strategy, to face negative thoughts everyday. But this is possible only when you cannot receiving dark deliveries means unrecognised thoughts means we have to know the root cause of this thoughts. Then It becomes easy to make strategy against it. We can say every thought which ruin your focus in any activity is considered to be a unrecognised thought because this thought makes you to go in past or future and prevent you from present. So the better way is to put control on every of our thoughts and stay focused with productive thought only, the thought which are helpful for your growth and success are considered to be a productive thoughts.
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