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Return On Investment (ROI) in daily Life

ROI, Return of investment, the basic financial terms used to know the profitability of investment. Its easy to calculate the ROI by dividing net profit by total investment and then multiplying the answer by 100. We can get ROI in percentage. so this is very important term not only in finance but also we can use in our everyday life
Everyday we are going through so many stuffs. The morning rituals, the work, conversation with people, entertainment tools etc. As in finance profit is the base for which we calculate ROI but in our real life we have certain goal which we have to accomplished within time. So what is required to get this goal is the most important and what we do regularly(daily habits)  for achieving this goal is the only way to get succeed. 

But do we think about Return of investment. 

Mostly we spend time on the things which are not profitable to our life like investing more time on social media, gaming and all that. Mostly life of peoples are different but we have to ask this question to ourself everyday, everytime while working on any activity

Whether this activity is valuable for me ?

Mostly we have two factors to which we calculate our ROI that is time and attention. Both this entities are ultra important, so before doing any thing ask yourself whether it is valuable for my goal so that I acn put my time into ? and second is attention, your attention is, when you are truly serious about this activity because most of time we do certain activities without putting our valuable attention in it like watching tv sometimes. So put your attention carefully because "If you put your attention in things which are not helpful for your goal, it will be hard to put your attention in things we are helpful to our goal". 

Lets start with a better example 

Mark and john are two students in the same college. Both have different goals, Mark have the goal to become wrestler and john have the goal to get Phd so mostly mark spend his time in gym after school and john spend his time in library. So mostly both have different goal and both have putting their time and attention in different things which are helpful for their future. 
So think if Mark have the goal to become a wrestler and he mostly spend his time library ? 
what happen ?  it will be hard for him to build a muscles while sitting in library! 

So the most important is you have know your Return on Investment in everything which you are doing whether it is your job, whether its your habits, whether is related to how you utilise your free time..

So its better to Stay away from influence and put our efforts in things which are really important to our life, goal. 

The best quote from stoicism which relate this topic

"A person's worth is measured by the worth of what he values." 



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