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Rethinking the problem

Rethinking the Problem

Yesterday when I was travelling with my friend towards destination, we stops at one small cafe centre. The person who is the owner of this centre was the only person there, who was doing everything from making coffee to serving it to customers. We had clearly seen his struggle. I sat for while and order two coffee, then after 5 minutes we got our order. Then after making orders of 4 to 5 peoples he got relaxed then in this instance we had also completed our coffees. Then I was went for bill and asked him about

 how you doing ? 
The common question people asked and by the answer we can easily understand person's perception towards his life.

he said "everything is going great in my life, doing good" but when I turn to leave he said, can I tell you something, how we described our life is totally depends on ourselves. Consider If i was telling yoI that my life is miserable and doing very bad, then what you people would do with this ? Might be you people would try to help me but our life is our own responsibility. so its better to put positive perception in front of others about our own life because to change our life is our own responsibility, might be some people would help you but dont expect more. 

Mostly people complain about problem which they have in their life because they dont know the volume of problem whether these are big or small and consider that problem as their life and start complaining about this, but these are the problems which make us confident and stronger for future. 

So the better way is,
-Set positive perception about problem

-Evaluate problem for considering its volume whether big or small
-then find the better solution to this problem and if we cant solve these problem then we might take help

-but if the problem is out of control of everyone then its better to leave it, as I write in last article.

"Self-Awareness is the key to evaluate depth of any problem in our life"


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