The Success Theory
What success means to you is totally depends upon whats your perception are, regarding the outcome of that success. Mostly people wants to become wealthy because they thinks, that their life will be perfect when they will be wealthy. So money is the success for them and to live the life of wealthy person is the perception about outcome. The important factor evolve through this is why the person wants to become wealthy ?
Whether it is his determination or influence of surrounding ?
We have to build our own theory of success, mostly people consider success as social response, like we have to do this because this is very acceptable in society. So mostly peoples driven by society's definition of success. As everyone is not same in the world so how everyone can achieve same in the world. just because you are get influenced for certain goal by surrounding doesn't mean you will do this perfectly. Because the influence doesn't know your ability. So the better is We should follow the process of goal which makes us happy then there is no need to think about outcome, the outcome will definitely bring the happiness.
"We have to build our own theory of success because we are the only one who know ourselves better."
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