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Process is always superior over Product

"Process is always superior over Product"

First blogpost in the new year, so need something which will be very useful for whole year and what is it ? 
The mindset
So this blogpost is going to build the mindset or can say resolution for new year...

Everyone Have certain goals, and everyone have some roll models regarding that goal who have reached to that place. And this is great to have a goal and to have a roll model. But what people saw in roll model, is his success, How he is living his success and slightly avoid to understand the process of, how he became successful. 

"When we saw dream we should think about the system of achieving that dream rather than completion of dream or results after achieving that dream" 

Process is always superior over product....

Everywhere we see success stories, the successful life, the fame after success, the wealth after success and mostly people stuck themselves in that confusion. Either they started thinking about successful life rather_than process of that success or simply became anxious about how unsuccessful they are and everyone else is successful. 

So the important theory is, We have to built mindset for success and we can built it by simply knowing ourselves.

The two things which help us to built mindset.

1. Self Awareness 

"We have to built our own theory of success because we are the only one who knows ourselves better"

No one can tell you about who you are better than yourself, you should  have to understand your own reflection regarding who you are and what you can achieved. 

2. The System 

To get motivated from success of people is great but we have to built the mindset to understand  how they get this success and the another fact is, after knowing the system of getting success, its necessary to learn how we can implement this process in our own life.  The most important thing which is necessary in implementation is self-awareness. When we understand ourselves better we can make better strategies for making efficient system to get our goal.

"To form System of achieving goal is most important than setting only goal."


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