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The Details Dilemma

"The Details Dilemma" 

                  Yesterday when woke up in morning and pick my mobile phone, got list of notifications which includes the social media notifications, mails, etc. I had been little bit confused while checking those notifications. And the most important fact is spend my valuable morning time in that work. Some of the notifications are actually important like some mails, messages  but some of them was just the response of peoples on my previous social media post. Then I started reading comments on that social media post, again some of the comments are positive and some are negative.  Then read one book summary on internet and latter keep my phone aside and started my day. In both of the cases like reading the social media comments and reading book summary the basic difference was, when we read social media comments and mostly negative we started comparing ourself with others and in another case while reading book summary we got the basic lessons from that book. So our choice and purpose of using internet is very important.

The information present on the internet is in huge amount. So to sort out this information is not an easy way. If this information is not sort out then what will happen ? The time we will spend in finding the actual data will be increased. So Having  the purpose is very important while using any source of information. 

"Wealth of information creates poverty of attention" 
                     Herbert A. Simon

As said as more the information as less the attention. Focus is the most important quality required for doing any stuff. So when we put our focus in searching more information we lack the attention in things which we are actually searching.

Why details dilemma happens ?

Most of the people use internet or can say social media for entertainment purpose only. So why we are using internet is very important to know, because when we know about our requirements from information source then we can directly search for this without wasting time on another content.

How to deal with details dilemma 

1. Purpose

If we know about our requirements then there will be less time, we will spend on internet finding our actually needed data. For example, if we are using social media for building a customers then we have to focus on making a bond between our product and customers with the help of social media.

2. Choices 

Mostly internet or social media gives us a suggestion like 5 techniques to get money in life, 5 books for becoming rich. but at this time we have to know ourselves and understand what is really important. So while using social media or internet self- awareness is also important.

3. Response

 There is a positive details as well as negative details  on the internet so we have to control our response properly while using social media or internet. Like if you post on social media and then you read comments so at this instant you have to be neutral in both positive as well as negative comments. 

4. Time Management

Set a particular time for using a internet or social media. On this time if we use social media with purpose then this will be useful for us with less time consuming. 

Information is a Power if uses effectively.


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