The Happiness Acquisition.
Today when I woke in the morning feels somehow lazy but then back to track and started thinking about the question, whether am I happy with what I am doing, the mind started wandering for the answer but what I realise is that life is not completely happy or completely unhappy. Life is the aggregation of both happy and unhappy moments. I just go deep in the ocean of thoughts for this question then I reached at the bottom of the ocean, that happiness is the product of your perspective process. Your perspective matters more in choosing happiness or being unhappy . Like most of the people feels their present suffering as motivation and reached at their goal and becomes happy on the other hand some of them feels suffering as pain and stuck in the thought that why they are facing this suffering. So perspective is the the key element of choosing happiness or being unhappy. happiness is the choice and not a gift. We have to choose happiness over any circumstances we are facing. No one can makes us happy rather than ourselves.
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