The Wet Clothes Theory
Yesterday when I was on beach, observed one thing, when my friend was sitting on the beach so much sand stick to his clothes. Then when he walk for while in sunlight most of the sand goes down. The clothes becames the same as they were earlier. So the sand stay on the clothes when the clothes were wet and get removed when the cloths becomes dry.
Same thing happen with our mind too. In one day we come across various ups and downs moments. So many events are truly painful and some are full of happiness too. But when we are in stress or anxiety, negative thoughts start sticking to our mind. The stressful situation is the best place for negativity. When we become negative we start thinking negative, becomes pessimistic about the future, loose confidence, etc. And when we overcome this phase of anxiety, we come to the normal state. "The negativity only stay when we are in stress". As we overcome this stress we also get rid of negativity. Same phenomenon happens here as happens with sand and wet clothes.
This is all about the dilemma. But it's very important to overcome this dilemma. As write earlier sand sticks to wet cloths and then, when cloths becomes dry the sand goes down. But we can also remove this sand by simply cleaning this clothes. When we clean the clothes by fresh water the sand also get removed. Similarly if we remove the stressful situation then we can also get rid of negativity. But how to avoid this stress.
The process of avoiding the stress is start with reaching at the root cause of that stress. There are always two causes are present which gives stress to the person. Some causes are In our control and some are not in our control. So this is the first step to identify the nature the of the cause, whether it is in control or not. If it is in control then definitely try to control it. But if this is not in our control, then control our response to this cause. Not getting a good job is the cause which we can control by working hard for getting a good job but Death of any person close to us is the cause which is not in our control. So we can control our response to this cause. Do not try to control which is not in our control, this is the most devastating for the happiness. Just try to go with time for a while with the thought that "this too shall pass".
Life is an amazing journey, it is a combination of various ups and down, happiness and pain. After pain there is always a happiness so stay hopeful is the best way to deal with any cause of stress.
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