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How to deal with the unfavourable situation when you can not win the situation.

How to deal with the unfavourable situation when you can not win the situation.

Once a farmer from the small village goes to the farm as he regularly does. Start doing his daily tasks. He has daily practice for his regular tasks. Latter when the sun reaches the centre the weather started changing, within a moment the speed of the wind starts increasing. The farmer analysed that these are the signals of the storm and he start going towards the support. But within a short period, the storm hits the farm and the wind speed increases tremendously, the farmer reached the place where he only has the support of one big tree. He stands near the tree and grabs the tree by hand. The wind speed increases to the optimum level where everything becomes invisible due to the dust in the air. The farmer saw this but he never fears the storm and he confidently grab this tree. Latter after a few minutes, the storm slows down and the wind speed starts decreasing, within a couple of minutes the wind speeds become normal and everything becomes visible. The farmer start walking towards the destination where he was working and everything was ok there and he start working again. The important part is the storm was dangerous but the farmer never lose hope and stay stick to his support means the tree and he successfully survived the storm. 
               Some types of storms are hits in our life too, the difference is, the forms of the storm are different. So when we are stuck in any storm the best way is to find support and survive the storm. To survive the storm, the support system is very important. We can build our support system based on our convenience. Some people use positive affirmations as their support system when they are in stress whereas some people imagine their final goal to deal with a small failure so that they can survive this small failure during reaching towards the final goal. Some people have a person in their life who works as a support system in their unfavourable situations. So if you have the proper support system in your life, you can survive any storm. So when you are stuck in any storm and you cannot fight that storm just find the support to survive this storm and once the storm goes away everything becomes regular, as it had earlier. 

            Challenges, unfavourable conditions, various ups and downs,etc are the inevitable parts of life so to deal with this just find a support system and stay hopeful while saying to your mind "This too shall pass" because,

"Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path."

Paulo Coelho

Thanks for Reading....


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